Monday 10 June 2013

Benefits of Energized Water

Water treatment plants make water safe to drink, but they destroy water's life giving properties. Chlorine is not good for water because it distorts water's healthful crystalline structure. Keeping water in stagnant storage tanks and forcing it to travel through miles of pipes strip water of its natural energy and oxygen, disrupting the hexagonal clusters. By the time water reaches home, it is devoid of healthful properties

More and more people are hearing the expression, “our tap water is dead water”. We already know much about the health risks in chlorinated drinking water. Yet, little is commonly known about the actual energized forces at work in clean, naturally-flowing, vibrant water; which enable it to so effectively perform its functions

Consumption of water laced with contaminants or lacking energy will cause the properties of our cells to change and negatively affect every aspect of our health. So, enrich the drinking water you consume with energy from the QuWave Energizer and live healthier!

Energizing Water simply restores its natural energies. Energized Water is ‘spin’ restructured water, whereby the polarity of the water molecules and the contaminants are reversed. This will bring back the beneficial vibratory qualities of the water.

For more details visit us at